Leadership Development
Leadership is ultimately about scaling capacity and capability in others, through teams, and in the organization to create outcomes that matter most. Our leadership development service offerings not only help you gain the knowledge you need to do this well, but also support you with putting it into practice.
Leadership assessments are a way to increase both self and social awareness. These assessments can help you gain insight into your strengths, weaknesses, preferences, and reactive tendencies. We recommend pairing a leadership assessment with follow on coaching to help you turn your new awareness into action.
All assessments include a debrief with a certified coach who can help cut through the noise and understand what the results of the assessment mean for your specific situation and leadership context. For team assessments, we facilitate a group debrief session to help team members understand their results in relation to the groups overall results. We then support the team in deciding what actions to take to support their overall effectiveness.

Leadership Circle Profile
Ideal for: Executives, leaders, and managers at various levels within organizations.
Provides insight into: leadership effectiveness, competencies, and behaviors, focusing on both creative and reactive tendencies.

Diamond Power Index
Ideal for: Individuals in leadership or managerial positions seeking to understand their personal power dynamics.
Provides insight into: Individual power styles, communication patterns, and influence strategies, helping individuals navigate power dynamics more effectively.

Collective Leadership Assessment
Ideal for: Teams, groups, or organizations interested in assessing their collective leadership capabilities.
Provides insight into: The distribution of leadership within a group, strengths and weaknesses in collaborative decision-making, and the overall effectiveness of collective leadership efforts.

DiSC Communication Styles
Ideal for: Employees, teams, and leaders looking to improve communication and collaboration.
Provides insight into: Individual behavioral styles (Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, Conscientiousness), facilitating better understanding and interactions among team members.

Intercultural Conflict Styles
Ideal for: Individuals and teams working in diverse cultural environments.
Provides insight into: How individuals approach and handle conflicts across cultures, providing guidance on effective conflict resolution strategies in intercultural contexts.
Intercultural Development Inventory
Ideal for: Individuals, teams, and organizations engaged in multicultural or global work environments.
Provides insight into: Individuals' and groups' intercultural competence, including their ability to understand, adapt to, and effectively engage with cultural differences.
Leadership Team Cohesion Lab
A cohesive leadership team is the backbone of a healthy organization. The absence of a cohesive leadership team can hinder organizational performance, erode employee morale, and impede the organization's ability to adapt to change and achieve its strategic objectives. Whether that team is the board of a non-profit organization, a group of departmental directors, or the C-suite executive leaders for a large organization – functioning as an effective team of leaders is essential for success.
Move from this:
To This:

Lack of Trust
(guarded communication, hidden agendas, and skepticism about each other's intentions)
Greater Trust
(open and honest communication where people feel safe enough to share their ideas and opinions)

Ambiguity and Ineffective Decision Making
(team members may lack clarity about priorities, leading to ambiguity, indecision, and a lack of alignment towards common objectives)
(people are visibly committed and bought into collective goals and decisions)

Avoidance of Healthy conflict
(unresolved issues, unaddressed concerns, and a stifling of creativity and innovation)
Healthy conflict
(team members engage in robust debates and discussions focused on achieving the best outcomes for the organization)

No Accountability
(finger-pointing and blame-shifting are creating a decline in individual and team performance)
(team members are not afraid to challenge one another or hold each other to high standards of performance)

Big Egos
(power struggles, turf wars, and a lack of collaboration towards shared objectives)
Focus on Results
(prioritizing collective success over individual egos or agendas, team members work together towards achieving shared goals and objectives)
Flexible format to fit your needs
Trust Anchoring
Trust-Building Foundation:
In the first step of Leadership Team Cohesion Labs, we focus on establishing a solid foundation of trust within the team. Through interactive exercises, facilitated discussions, and team-building activities, participants develop rapport, mutual respect, and psychological safety. This trust-building process lays the groundwork for effective communication, collaboration, and openness throughout the program.
2. Behavioral Strength Training Cycles:
In Step 2, Leadership Team Cohesion Labs takes a hands-on approach to leadership development through Behavioral Strength Training Cycles. Participants engage in skill-building workshops focused on specific leadership competencies tailored to their needs and objectives. After each workshop, participants have dedicated time to practice and apply the newly acquired skills in real-world scenarios, fostering experiential learning and sustainable behavior change. This cycle can be repeated for multiple skills as desired by the client, ensuring comprehensive development and mastery of key leadership capabilities.
3. Transition and Reflection:
Step 3 of Leadership Team Cohesion Labs is the transition phase, where participants reflect on their growth and prepare to sustain the changes moving forward. Through guided reflection exercises, group discussions, and individual coaching, participants consolidate their learning, identify areas for continued improvement, and develop action plans for ongoing development. This transition step ensures that the insights and skills gained during the program are integrated into everyday practice, leading to long-lasting behavior change and enhanced leadership effectiveness.
Skill Building Workshops
Our workshops are designed as short (1-2 hour), intensive sessions focused on skills that support organizational effectiveness. These workshops, while helpful for leaders with positional authority can also be beneficial for staff at all levels of an organization. Adults learn by being engaged. Therefore, all of our workshops include interactive exercises and discussions to reinforce learning.
What our clients are saying
“Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! Wow! That was such an amazing training session! There is so much to process, and I am confident that this was an eye-opening experience for many (if not all) team members.”
“Those 3 hours flew by for me, and I didn't want it to end! I am very grateful for the door that you've opened at [our organization]. Now it's up to us to walk through it and to move forward.”