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Who We Are

Joyedele Consulting is a culture and change consulting firm that specializes in enabling collaboration and creativity. Our work is people work. We use our expertise in facilitation, conflict resolution, and people-centered leadership, to support organizations in creating work environments where everyone thrives.


Our work is based on a whole-systems approach and we utilize evidence-based and research backed practices, custom designed to meet your organization's needs.

Partnership Model

Partnerships are two-way relationships and the best partnerships are built on a foundation of trust. Whether that relationship is with a consulting or coaching client, organization, or colleague/collaborator, these are the values that we both promise to exemplify and expect in return. 


We say and listen to what’s okay and what’s not okay, what’s possible and what’s not.


We communicate and ask about expectations up front and throughout. 


We extend the most generous interpretation to the intentions, words, and actions of others.


We achieve outcomes with you, not despite you. 

Meet the Team

Melissa AB Graetz


Specialties: Project Management, Instructional Design, Audio Editing

Marne Maykowskyj, MSOD


Specialties: Organization Development, Facilitation, Executive Coaching

Mary Messer, MSOD

Senior Consultant

Specialties: Organizational Health, Disability Inclusion, Operations

RiShawnda Henderson, MSOD, SHRM-CP


Specialties: Human Resources, Talent Development

Audrey Chow, MSNCR

Associate Consultant

Specialties: Project Management, Conflict Resolution

Jillian Hubbard, MSOD


Specialties: DEIA

Judy Oyedele, MSOD, ACC

Founder & Principal

Specialties: Organizational Health, Leadership Development, Facilitation, Coaching

Rabiah Muhammad, PhD, CPCC


Specialties: Leadership Development, Coaching, Assessment Design

Rick Buccheri, MSOD

Senior Consultant

Specialties: Conflict Resolution, Facilitation, Organization Design

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