Marne Maykowskyj, MSOD
Specialties: Organization Development, Facilitation, Executive Coaching
Marne Maykowskyj is the president of Clarity Goals, llc, which provides executive and leadership development coaching for individuals and teams, as well as consulting and facilitation services for organizations. Marne’s approach to coaching is grounded in deep business experience, an academic foundation in behavioral science, and Gestalt principles.
Marne works with leaders at all organizational levels to develop presence, build awareness, and expand range. She employs strengths-based and evidence-based methodologies to help leaders achieve professional and personal goals. Clarity Goal’s clients represent a wide variety of industries including architecture, engineering, government, and health care. Marne has more than 25 years of experience with architectural project teams, entrepreneurial teams, and community teams. Her passion is coaching individuals, partners, and teams, and supporting organizations in discovering, and improving, the very systems these individuals create.
Marne speaks around the country about authentic leadership and psychological safety in teams. Marne holds an MS in Organization Development and a BS and BARCH in Architecture.